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Pairing Dark Beers & Music For Cold Months


Updated: Oct 23, 2024

Every new beer is

a new love story!

That is my philosophy as a beer tasting guide & beer lover, which I share with our guests on our craft beer tasting tours in Crete, Greece. Some beers will surprise us, others we will entertain a seasonal fling with, while certain ones will remain a lifelong romance.

When serving up a beer, setting the mood for enjoyment - music - is arguably more important than glassware, bottle temperature or perhaps even the beer itself. With just the right backdrop, our senses shift into focus & we open up to a full experience. Often, we remember where we drank a certain beer, as opposed to the flavour of the beer itself. For instance, consider the contrast between drinking the same plain commercial pale lager in a quiet cottage vs on a sunny beach with a guitar jam vs a cheerful karaoke bar.

In creating an atmosphere, music is without a doubt a very powerful element. Music reaches us faster than words can, since its vibrations are instantly felt in our body. With the right album, playlist, radio show or DJ set, the mood is set & enjoyment is ready to be served.

In todays' post, let us be aficionados for dark beers, darker music vibes & let us set the tone to delve into the autumn season. Cold days ahead, warm beers to be drank & even cooler music to accompany us.

Craft Beer & Music

Sounds delicious...

Craft beer, just like good music, is here to stay.

They both have much in common...think of it. Consider the deep cultural roots solidly planted in the land they are created in. Consider the completely unique flavours & colors both literally & figuratively of their character. Consider also how a style of beer or a music genre can transport us to unique places & realms of experience.

Both great craft beer & real good music have a genuine way of hitting our senses full of life. They have the power to create memories unique to each individual & transcent time.


Dark beers, for cold months.

randy mosher beer malt tasting chart

Dark beer styles range in flavours from toasted, roasted, caramel, chocolate, cappuccino, dried fruit to burnt cacao.

Dark beers offer a variety of strengths, colours, flavours & character.

Often associated with the cooler seasons, these colourful brews offer warmth for the soul, good cheer, resilient grit & a comforting friend.

In choosing beers, explore the full range that malt has to offer.

Think of caramel Red & Amber Ales, shifing into nutty Brown Ales, autumn Pumpkin Ales, un-shy Scotch Ales, strong malty Dubbels, smoked Rauchbiers, classic Bocks or Dunkels, cherry Lambic, old-school Porters, life-giving Baltic Porters, the vast family of Stouts & of course Barley Wine.

dark beer tasting on wood

Dark musical undertones.

" Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. "

- Berthold Auerbach, German poet & author

black and white vinyl record player

When selecting your music, be mindful not to cross the line that will drag you down. We want to match the coolness, to welcome the shift of season & mood, support it & give it a special treatment.

You might find the right mood browsing in classic rock albums of the 1970's, blues artists from the early 20th century, pionneers of European electronic music, existential poet-singer-songwriters, trip-hop, or moving classical pieces.

I recommend choosing whole albums as they are built with an overarching musical flow, or as a second choice, a well-curated playlist.


The Beer: Stout

Stouts are the go-to dark beer all over the planet.

I do love a variety of dark beer styles as mentioned above. However, my hat is off to Stouts for the way they serve up versatility & bridge drinkers into new realms of beer appreciation.

This originally English style (read its origin story it here) has evolved from being a robust, higher alcohol Porter style beer into the imperial beverage choice of the Russian court & eventually broadly expanding its family tree (Dry stout, Irish stout, English stout, Sweet stout, Oatmeal stout, American stout, Imperial stout, Milkshake stout, Pastry stout, Oyster stout, Milk stout, Imperial Espresso Russian Stout, etc.)

stout beer dark beer glass

They are dark in color ranging from light brown, dark brown, espresso, chestnut, burgondy hues, all the way to black. The Stout is a malt-driven style with mouthfeel ranging from dry to watery, flat to effervescent, light to velvety; depending upon the unique style. Its flavour spectrum will take any form from milk chocolate, cake, cappuccino, espresso, burnt toast, cookies, oatmeal & even a campfire marshmellow.

With its un-modest dark character & higher alcohol content, Stouts fit cooler weather & the darker days of life - like a glove.

The Music: Dark Tones

On the record player, let’s spin something embracing the long nights of life.

Whether you're feeling the winter/human blues or simply enjoying the cozy indoors, while the weather outside is too cold for comfort -- these tunes are just what the doctor ordered.

Proposing three different variations of musical "darkness":

  1. LEONARD COHEN You Want It Darker

Sony Music Entertainment (2016)

This album from the distinguished Canadian poet, singer-songwriter was his final recorded before passing in November 2016. The tone is tenebrous & peaceful all at once. The choir singing along the deep raspy voice of the poet "Hineni, hineni, I'm ready, my Lord". Hineni is Hebrew for "Here I am". This album speaks of harmony, facing the long dark night, making amends & Truth. Cohen's words & chords find a way to sit with the darkness with open heart, un-fearful & embracing human existence.

With its undeniable darkness, it is far from gloomy. In fact it is powerful & supportive within the dusk.

  1. MILES DAVIS Kind of Blue

Columbia Records (1959)

As far as music records go, this legendary album is king. No one can capture in words the world that these outstanding musicians created in the studio together, through their creative genius. A jazz album that established itself in the top & reigns greatest to this day.

The darker tones of the jazz sextet infuses a vibe somewhat crisp, yet smoky.

It's musicality is sharp & resonant, while the undertones are bluesy & lingering. The rhythms & atmosphere take the "kind of blue" feeling through its evocative instruments.

All instrument, no voice. No words to cloud over the rawness of feeling.

  1. THE VELVET UNDERGROUND The Velvet Underground & Nico

Verve Records (1967)

Hypnotic, avant-garde, unconventionally melodic & bluntly poetic. This album was a creative collision of Andy Warhol's flair, the polarizing rock music of this experimental band, the irrisitible monotone voice of Nico & the artistic chaos of New York City. The musical tones shift through the album's songs, from the mesmerizing drone tones of violin, piano, percussions, throaty vocals of gritty lyrics, mixed with rock & roll melodies, all the way to light bright soothing touches.

All with a certain unmistakable human raw emotion. It remains a classic album to slip into a truly cool state of mind.


Bring on the autumn season, the dark undertones of life.
Warm up with good beer & great music!

Truth be told, there's a kind of beer for every mood all us humans go through.

Then, there's a tune for every beer.

Remember my philosophy that "every new beer is a new love story" & that music is a main player in setting the mood for full enjoyment.

Read our Beer Styles & Music pairings part.02 here and sign up to our Newsletter to catch our next articles fresh from the press!

  • Bonnie

    Bonnie and Clyde Urban Tours Crete
music vinyl record bonnie and clyde urban tours


Feb 13, 2024

Exploring the intriguing intersection of beer styles and music pairings, it invites us to savor the darker, moodier side of both realms. With evocative descriptions that transport us to cozy indoor settings and rainy autumn days, this journey promises to be a delightful fusion of sensory experiences. This music should be known through youtube music promotion:

Bonnie and Clyde Urban Tours
Bonnie and Clyde Urban Tours
Feb 20, 2024
Replying to

Samuel thank you for this comment! That mention that darker and moodier go hand in hand is a spot-on point. Thank you for sharing, and let's go to the dark side..


Bonnie and Clyde Urban Tours
Bonnie and Clyde Urban Tours
Apr 13, 2023

Oh heck yes!! Perry that's an epic pairing right there


Apr 12, 2023

I would pair a stout beer with Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of The Moon! Deep sensory experience, rich music which suits the beer style. Who else agrees!?

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